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; Plot function of two variables
; Designed and implemented by Kelvin R. Throop in June of 1988
; To make a three dimensional polygon mesh representing the
; values of a function in two variables across a specified range
; of values for the two variables, with a defined resolution
; (specified as the number of subdivisions within the range), call:
; (fplot function xrange yrange resolution)
; where:
; function The function to be evaluated. This will
; usually be the quoted name of a previously-
; defined function, or a quoted lambda-definition
; of a function.
; xrange The range of X values, specified as a list
; with the first element the lower bound for X
; and the second element the upper bound.
; yrange The range of Y values, specified as a list
; with the first element the lower bound for Y
; and the second element the upper bound.
; resolution An integer specifying the granularity of the
; mesh approximating the surface defined by the
; function's values for arguments in the specified
; range.
; For example, to plot (e**(-(X**2 + Y**2))) over the range from
; -1 to 1 in both the X and Y axes, use:
; (fplot '(lambda (x y) (exp (- (+ (* x x) (* y y)))))
; '(-2 2)
; '(-2 2)
; 20
; )
; (This will look like a tennis ball under the rug, when viewed
; from, say, VPOINT 1,1,1.)
; Or, you can plot a predefined function. For example:
; (defun cs (x y)
; (cos (sqrt (+ (* x x 2) (* y y))))
; )
; (fplot 'cs '(-20 20) '(-20 20) 40)
; This makes a series of elliptical ripples, like a pond after
; you've just dropped in a cinder block.
; This file contains a complex predefined test case. If you
; enter the command:
; you'll get the interference pattern from two exponentially
; damped cosine waves. This example illustrates the amazing
; surfaces you can generate with a simple definition using
; fplot.
(defun fplot (fcn xrange yrange res / ce stepx stepy i j x y)
(setq x (car xrange)
stepx (/ (- (cadr xrange) x) (float res))
stepy (/ (- (cadr yrange) (car yrange)) (float res))
i 0
(setq ce (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(command "3Dmesh" res res)
(while (< i res)
(setq j 0
y (car yrange)
(while (< j res)
(setq j (1+ j)
y (+ y stepy)
(command (list x y (apply fcn (list x y))))
(setq i (1+ i)
x (+ x stepx)
(setvar "cmdecho" ce)
; Demo program
; Generate exponentially damped cosine wave
(defun dampcos (x y / dist omag sfreq decfr)
omag 2.0 ; Overall magnitude scale factor
sfreq 8.0 ; Spatial frequency factor
decfr 1.5 ; Exponential decay spatial frequency
(setq dist (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y))))
(* omag
(cos (* dist sfreq))
(exp (- (* decfr dist)))
; Calculate interference of two damped cosine waves
(defun interf (x y / offset)
(setq offset 0.9) ; Offset of centres from origin
(+ (dampcos (- x offset) y) (dampcos (+ x offset) y))
; Demo run of function plot, type DEMO at command prompt
(defun C:demo ()
(fplot 'interf
'(-3 3) '(-3 3) 50)
(princ) ; Suppress printing function result